Thursday, September 17, 2009


The rain is unending.

I'm still unsure about posting to a blog, but I'm experimenting a bit each day in the hopes that eventually I'll integrate FB &Twitter & Flickr and have one spot to focus on.

Another view of Rhys Tanner's blog today--this time viewing a 1987 video-clip of Beckett.
I can only allow myself 30 minutes before 10pm of Tanner.
I have lost myself in his blogs too many times and found I'd disregarded things like life.
If you like literature, pop culture, criticism and general great writing. I warn you, enter his blog at your own risk.

Returning home after being gone for close to 2 weeks requires a few adjustments.
The time change from West back to East is one issue.
Having my dogs back is another.
The older dog, the 15 year old Cocker, did not want to traverse the stairs this morning. She usually dashes out of her crate in the morning, trots over to Zoe's crate (the 5 year old Havanese, whom I then let out), rolls around on the carpet, then races Zoe to the top of the stairs. Zoe usually waits at the landing for my persmission to descend the stairs, while Lex, the Coker, just bolts on down without me.
But this morning, as Zoe sat waiting at the landing, Lex decided another nap might be an option.
It troubled me.
I picked her up (ow) and carried her down the first set of stairs.
Anxious to escape my arms, Lex was awake and ready to run when i put her on the second set of stairs.
Still since Lex is on heart meds and so old, I get worried when her behavior deviates from the norm.
Yesterday Zoe got an haircut by me, and today a bath.
Lexie was groomed on Monday.
Doggie Acclimation 101.

Also being back home has meant the mundane, like my dental appointment yesterday.

On the upside, I've take to making myself a smoothie every morning since I've been home: some protein, a banana, 4 strawberries, lowfat vanilla yogurt, a bit of orange juice, and a bit of skim milk. Pretty damn yummy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


i'm gonna see if it's possible to FB and Twitter and blog while trying to live life.
SO this is scribble missive to test things out before a commitment of any kind is actually made.